Tuesday, August 12, 2014

You Must Listen Closely


  I made a promise to my mom.  She's gone now, her life taken too soon by that damn thief Cancer.  She knew it was coming, in the end.  She fought the good fight, the tough fight, the fight against a thief that would not be denied, not this time around.  She talked a lot to me, to my brother and sisters, about what she hoped we would do with our lives. Really she only wanted us to be happy. That's all she ever really wanted. Those conversations live in my heart now and they rise to the surface from time to time.  Like a swimmer surfacing from a long dive, those conversations come up for air and remind me of the good times. They remind me that I made my mom a few promises before she left us and this Earth.

  I promised my mom I would write.  It's always hard to tell when a parent is complimenting you, whether they are doing that because they are your parent and by default your biggest fan, or because they are genuinely impressed by something you did. Mom always liked my writing and encouraged me to keep doing and find a way to share it.  I did that on occasion, writing for a local paper and the school paper while in high school. I started down the path to a journalism degree in college (Ball State--go Cardinals!) but one night class (and a few too many parties) and that train derailed.  

  So, here I am. I'll be 40(how ancient that number used to sound to me) in a few days. The temples have gone gray, the knees pop a little more than they used to, and I've lived a little life now.  I have the most wonderful wife, my joy and inspiration, and 3 kids who are whip smart and make me laugh every day. (never had gray hair before them, now that I think about it) Now it's time to keep that promise to Mom.  

  What you'll find on this screen if you grace me with your presence at this blog is a little bit of everything.  My head gets filled with thoughts and at times I need to dump them out. I love all things pop culture, movies, music, and TV chief among them. I'm a dad (a word I just noticed sounds a little deflated) and a husband and if you think those two roles aren't loaded with material then you have never witnessed a kid run through your room at 3 AM yelling "I think I'm going to throw up!!" Write what you know is what they told me at the one Wednesday night journalism class I made it to (success-thank you very much!). I plan to do just that.

  So come along, I'd love to hear your thoughts too!  This will be MUMBLES BY ZACH, a spot for a chronic mumbler to finally be heard.  Thanks Mom!